Faculty Member Biography

Mia d’Adhemar

Head of Sector Programs at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Mia is a Senior Manager in the Standards Division of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in Amsterdam. Leading the Sector Program, Mia is responsible for a new program of work in which reporting Standards will be developed that describe impacts and stakeholder concerns from a sustainable development perspective for up to 40 different sectors.
Prior to this, Mia was the Project Manager for the development of GRI’s new tax Standard, GRI 207: Tax 2019.

Mia has more than 15 years of experience in stakeholder engagement and social performance, including a decade in the oil and gas sector.

Before GRI, she worked at Woodside Energy, Australia’s largest independent oil and gas company and worked across exploration and development projects in Australia, Asia, North America, Europe and Africa.

Mia holds Bachelors of Commerce and Arts, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Social Impact from the University of Western Australia.

Mia d’Adhemar, Head of Sector Programs at the Global Reporting Initiative

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