Faculty Member Biography

Sarah Kemmitt

Consultant, Sustainable Finance, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)

Sarah Kemmitt is a consultant to UNEP FI, working with the Secretariat of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance and leading the Secretariat for the Net-Zero Banking Alliance. She brings a passionate interest and wide-ranging expertise with a career that spans ecological conservation, scientific research, and financial regulation.

With degrees in environment science and environmental forestry and a PhD in soil microbial ecology & biogeochemistry, Sarah’s early career focused on ecological conservation and research into carbon and nitrogen cycling in agroecosystems. She then moved to the British Library, supporting the digital scientific information transition at a crucial period for the institution. Following the financial crisis, the UK Financial Service Authority sought out staff from beyond the financial services sector and Sarah took this opportunity to move into financial services regulation, from there moving to the Bank of England and internal audit. In recent years she has brought her environmental expertise to bear on her work at the Bank of England, contributing to the UK regulation and supervision of the risks from climate change on the banking and insurance sectors.

Sarah Kemmitt, Consultant, Sustainable Finance, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)

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